

with Tiffany Grimm Fulton

January 24 - March 27, 2024
Wednesdays, 12-1pm MST

All live sessions will be recorded and all questions are guaranteed to be answered in the sessions.


12 women. 12 sessions. 12 weeks.

A group coaching program to accompany the Unleash Your Essence online course.
This is a place where we'll immerse together, dive deep into the inner workings of our hearts, and come out the other side transformed. It no longer works to keep doing the same thing we've been doing and expect change to happen.

As we step into 2024, let it mark the beginning of something truly novel and inspiring.
The choice is yours – to embrace this opportunity for profound personal growth. It starts with YOU.

Let me introduce myself...

I'm Tiffany...

Most people who know me will tell you that I love life. I'm passionate about making each day matter. If we're not laughing at the craziness of it all, what's the point? At the same time, I take growth and personal development seriously. I am a perpetual student and have an incessant desire to uplevel in every area of my life.

My life’s journey has been influenced by decades of study in sports medicine, human performance, learning and development, primal wisdom traditions, alternative healing, transformational coaching, and spiritual philosophy. After 25 years of integration, I feel called to synthesize and share all of the incredible tools and wisdom I've learned along the way.

Twenty years ago at the age of 24, battling a host of hormonal issues and chronic fatigue, it became very clear to me that mainstream solutions weren't helping. It was the holistic approach of alternative therapies and earth-based practices that opened the doors for healing. As I sat with teachers, masters, and lineage holders from indigenous cultures around the world, I began to incorporate their guidance into my daily life. And little by little, I peeled back the layers that were holding me hostage and I broke free.

So now, especially in the throws of motherhood when I feel out of balance, overwhelmed, filled with rage, or washed with waves of grief, I lean into these teachings for steady support. They recenter and ground me every time.

I know these topics can seem far fetched; after all, I come from a western medicine background. And yet, I've found that if we remain open and stay curious, we just might learn something new that could change our lives forever. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try.

And that's why I created this program.
It will be the ONLY group coaching program in all of 2024...

This program brought so much clarity for me in this stage of my life and allowed me to shift my mindset into living with intention and purpose. I loved having a group of women in a similar space to connect and grow with. Extremely empowering, transformational work that renewed my spirit in knowing others in the world have similar intentions and shared interest in showing up as their most authentic selves.

Erin Sandene
Mother, professional

As a mama of twins who really needs some time to connect with SELF, Tiffany gave me a space to do just that; to listen to my own wisdom and embrace my new identity AND divinity. I am stronger and more steadfast because I continue to have this community for life.  

Suset Laboy Zuckerman
Mother of twins, wife, professional

This program helped me gain the insight I was looking for, the guidance I needed, and the empowerment of not only Tiffany, but the other women of the group as well. The experience helped me feel connected in so many ways, and I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to start finding my fullest potential!

Michelle Rogerson
Colleague, professional



12 women. 12 sessions. 12 weeks. 

Audio & Video Lessons

Whether you're walking around the block or sitting at your desk, you'll have access to both audio and video versions of all 12 lessons in the Unleash Your Essence curriculum.

Each lesson is between 15 and 25-minutes, in a short podcast style, so you can easily digest the information no matter where you are and save the rest of your week for journaling and practices.

If you're an auditory learner, pop your headphones in. If you're a visual learner, grab a drink and hang out with Tiffany.
VALUE = $777


You'll be joining a close-knit group of 11 other women on this no-nonsense, accelerated journey through the Unleash Your Essence course. Your commitment will involve dedicating time to watch or listen to one lesson each week, completing the corresponding exercises, and participating in a weekly call.  

While each lesson requires a thoughtful period of absorption and integration, you won't be on this path alone. With the unwavering support of your group and accountability partner, you'll maintain a steady pace, ensuring you make consistent progress toward the goals you've set for yourself.
VALUE = $2400

Paperback Journal & Resources

A 200-page printed paperback journal will be available for you; filled with prompts, diagrams, strategies from each lesson, and plenty of pages to jot down your insights and transformations along the way.

[Digital version available in the course. Printed journal available for 60% off (regularly $30, discounted at $11.99)]

In addition, you'll have lifetime access to all resources, videos, audio meditations, trackers, templates, and checklists within the course platform.

VALUE = $5000

Private Community & Calls

The curriculum platform has a forum where our group will be able to interact and share experiences, ask questions, and get support.

Our virtual weekly calls will provide in-depth education, a supportive community, and personalized guidance to help you achieve your goals. They will be held every Thursday from 12-1pm MST and will be recorded. You can submit your questions in advance with guaranteed answers.

Furthermore, you'll get access to live quarterly calls with the greater Unleash Your Essence community of mamas.  

VALUE = $1500/Year

Unleash Your Essence was full of learning, peeling back layers, drawing, creating, writing, dreaming and giving myself permission to embrace ALL OF IT.  I found grace, love, transformation, growth and friendship, and above all, a safe space for me to be transparent, vulnerable and let it all go.

Jerrianne W.
Mother, wife, professional

An opportunity for deep, soul-searching reflection, Tiffany is so intuitive and absolutely meant to take women on this journey."

Jessica S.
Mother, wife, professional

Time Commitment

Yes, it's inevitable. You'll need to spend time on this!

However, I promise two things: 1) it will be time well spent, and 2) after the course, you'll feel like you multiplied your time instead of depleted it.

I suggest reserving 2-3 hours per week (or 30 minutes per day) which includes the lesson, the call, and the exercises between sessions. I always find it helpful to block it off in my calendar and let my partner and kids know I'm going to be investing in ME!  

"I am deeply moved by Tiffany’s skillful guiding, intentional delivery, and whole hearted care for her participants. Tiffany's fierce protection of the sacred spaces she creates makes room for the full realization of healing and soul-full transformation."

Kriste P.
Colleague, professional

"Tiffany is able to connect to people in ways they aren’t able to connect to themselves. She sees the world in a different way. How she shares her understanding of the world and her relationship to it is unique. She not only has the education and knowledge to back her, but she is a living example of how to walk in alignment with nature and truly stand in your power."

Amy J.
Mother, wife, professional

You'll also get access to the bonuses included in the Unleash Your Essence course!


$200 off a Mothers Moving Mountains wellness retreat. Retreats are held annually in Colorado and across the world during spring and fall. The retreat schedule for the year will be posted on the MMM website and in the community forum.  


Special discounted sessions with our expert contributors and world-renown practitioners in energy healing, astrology, enneagram, human design, life coaching, sexual sovereignty and more. Discounts will be found in the course journal. 



  • Immediate course access
  • Lifetime access to materials
  • 200-page printed paperback journal and workbook** 
  • Weekly live calls 
  • Personalized support
  • Community forum



  • Immediate course access
  • Lifetime access to materials
  • 200-page printed paperback journal and workbook** 
  • Weekly live calls 
  • Personalized support
  • Community forum

Please DM Tiffany on Instagram at @mothersmovingmountains or email support@mothersmovingmountains.com with any questions you may have about these sessions.
** Digital versions of the journal are available within the course platform. Printed paperback journals are available for purchase through Amazon for $11.99

Read through FAQs On the Unleash Your Essence Page

"Tiffany encourages & celebrates open sharing but does not demand or force it. The result is that the group quickly develops into a community listening to and pulling for each other. Tiffany ensures everyone is included, helping us pause to celebrate how far we have come while nudging us to go well beyond what we thought possible."  

Kim S.
Mother, wife, professional

Tiffany Grimm Fulton is a force of nature who has extensive training and professional experience that gives her the credibility and gravitas that is important. In working with her, you will enter into a potent catalytic connection that will nourish and challenge your soul in all the right ways."

Holly H.
Mother, mentor, colleague

From Me to You...

I know what you might be thinking.
I don't have time for this. I can't be responsible for one more thing. I can't commit to this right now.

But I'm going to tell you, as a mother of a busy six year-old and from someone who studies and teaches behavior change... YOU CAN DO THIS.  

You've put yourself on hold long enough. You know there's healing to be done. In your heart, in your mind, in your body. You've told yourself over and over again, "Maybe someday, but not now." I know this because I was also an expert in convincing myself I was too busy.
Until suddenly, my son turned three and I finally snapped out of it. I did, indeed, have time for myself, I just needed to protect it.  

I realized that I couldn't be the mom I wanted to be if I didn't implement the practices that brought me back to my center. If I wasn't living in a sacred way, neither was he. And that's when motherhood changed.  

I was determined that my son would see a strong (and vulnerable) mother who took care of herself. He would see a woman who was healthy and could find her center in the middle of chaos. His sense of calmness in the world depended on me. He would witness his own mama find her sense of self again. And he did.  
THAT'S why I know you can do this.  

It's not supposed to be easy. Resilience is born out of challenge. You have to choose yourself first. If you need an accountability buddy, grab a friend and do the course together. There's also a whole community of like-minded mamas in here waiting for you.
Let's get this party started.

Have specific questions? Need to talk it through?
Reach out.



TESTIMONIALS  Testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my program are presented for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.
Per FACEBOOK™ and Instagram™ rules, we must mention that this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with FACEBOOK, Inc. or Instagram, Inc  
PHOTO CREDS: Rachael Grace Photography, JDesigns and Video, & Colleen Cummings Campbell Photography

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